Uh, hello everyone :’] I’m here once again to break the silence, and give a bit of an update on some stuff.
First of all, I’ve been primarily working on my site, so I haven’t had the chance to post anything, nor the energy to draw stuff outside of assets. Here’s the link!
I’ve been really tired and stressed too. Lots of stuff on my plate, but I’m doing my best to manage it… even if that involves just doing simple doodles or spending time with my close friends.
I’m feeling like opening commission slots too - mainly for my friends - but I’ll see how my motivation will do.
I do still hope to post some of my music here… or go back to messing with RPGMaker, but now is not really the time. I do hope you folks like the site update tho!
Take good care and have a good day/night!
oh wow, i just took a brief look through your site.
your style is amazing!!!!!! your site's looking amazing so far, it's gonna look so mad once it's finished, i'm sure :DD and it's dope to hear that you're coding it yourself, would love to work on my own site someday haha <3